A little hard work didn't harm anyone!

I keep wondering why I was so tired then I remembered - I haven't worked this hard in years!  The week continued in the same vein as the previous week - a friend came around having rung to say she wanted four copies - by the time she'd left she had seven copies under her arm!

Another local book shop in the very respectable village of Dulwich took their stock too. Then a fabulously named shop "Brews, Bites & Books" in Wakefield, Yorkshire became my latest stockist. 

Clapham Women's Institute didn't have a speaker for their monthly meeting so I volunteered - eleven copies later I'm all talked out and we haven't even got to The Launch!

Dulwich Village Book shop

Dulwich Village Book shop

Clapham WI

Clapham WI

It's Launch Day! 

Studios ready complete with Charlotte Hardy's art work

Studios ready complete with Charlotte Hardy's art work

Friend & Artist Clare Mackie

Friend & Artist Clare Mackie

What an audience

What an audience

A lot of book signing - over 200 copies sold!

A lot of book signing - over 200 copies sold!

Not sure what I said - but I said it!

Not sure what I said - but I said it!

Prof Jayne Raisborough (girl I met on a train) & her partner Anne

Prof Jayne Raisborough (girl I met on a train) & her partner Anne

Totally overwhelmed by the turn out

Totally overwhelmed by the turn out

Feeling the love ...

Feeling the love ...

Next week heading North to book launch part two - Lancashire style...