The first week...

Well it's been a week and a half - I've hit the ground running - well actually more of a plod  -  I'm not keen on running.

After my first shop window I got 8 more shops to add to my collection of stockists, a full page article in my home towns local press and I became a market trader for a day. Having sold just over 100 copies I am very happy. I've even had orders from: Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ohio and New Jersey - not bad for my first week of sales.

I'm now on first name terms with the women in the post office - Lee - she's very excited "Oh you'll be on Jeremy Kyle before you know it". I hope not - I don't like the Jeremy Kyle show!

On Saturday I managed to get a stall at the local market on Venn St in Clapham - I didn't really know what to expect. I've worked market stalls before selling flowers and cakes but I wasn't sure how selling my book would go - I was nervous - that old familiar voice of "who will want to read my book? echoed in my ear. But I was wrong to think that - a young lady about 26 years old came up to the stall - we had a chat for a few minutes  - she bought a copy and went away reading it. Five minutes later she came back - "I've just read the first page and something you said has resonated. My mum died last year this is going to help me - THANK YOU" There were tears I can tell you!

This is why I have written this book - if it resonates with just one person - then I've achieved what I wanted to - JOB DONE! I can now retire - no chance I've still got 880 copies still to sell! 

I'll be back with you at the weekend to let you know how the first of my 2 book launches goes - I'm slightly nervous - but it would be weird not to be.

Venn St Market Clapham

Venn St Market Clapham

Clitheroe Advertiser - my home town local press

Clitheroe Advertiser - my home town local press