I think everybody should be stealing foods from Wholefoods

Dave 43, lives in Boston. Married with one kid.

How are you?

I feel very happy. Not having a kid till you're 41 is pretty good. I did a lot of things between 17 and 41. I’ve had a massive amount of freedom. I don't feel I’ve missed out on anything. I'm here with my daughter. That’s what I do everyday. 

What are your views on faith? 

I broke a rule yesterday. I took my daughter to a farm. In the shop, I was supposed to get a donut and a lemonade in a deal. I went over to the donuts and put two in the bag and carried on. Essentially I stole a donut!

Catholic see you doing things like that and you get marked down. I am free of any such nonsense and superstition but I do have a different kind of faith about it. I think if you can iron out those practices then you can get to a greater clarity. The psychological overhead of things like duplicity, double thinking and using multiple modes to exist with different sets of people, if you can get to a place where the practise of doing those things well is enough to join the dots so that when your 92 say, you’re ready to die. 

The holisticness of that requires some faith because it's not strictly rational. In a rational sense - I  just got an extra donut and there's really no problem but the psychological overhead as I get better is higher every time I do anything like that. That to me is like faith. I have to believe by following these religious style rules that life is ultimately better on a spiritual level.

I really do think that the consequences of stealing from Wholefoods, owned by Amazon is literally zero. I think everybody should be stealing foods from Wholefoods. It's like a tiny corner of a major corporation that doesn't have any downside to anything that ever happened to it ever. I've got it in my head that I nicked a donut yesterday and it’s taking up some space and attention that could be put to better use. 

More to come … ‘Men Talk’ out soon!