Spring has sprung

April 2022

It feels like a very long time ago since I last wrote on my blog and it is - November last year! Time waits for no one.

I began the year guns ablazing with the idea of getting some of those tiresome house maintenance jobs out of the way. New decking, in January, in the rain, not the best idea, my garden is only just recovering from the torrent of abuse! Old carpet replaced by floorboards which didn’t turn out quite as expected! The dishwasher died, then my hoover and finally the washing machine packed up! The catalytic converter was stolen from under the car. I’ve had a gastroenteritis followed by Covid, which resulted in me watching 5 seasons of Poldark - there are worse things! AND after many episodes of having a painful, swollen cheek, it’s been discovered that I have a tiny stone in my salivary gland (rare apparently) which needs gouging out. So not the best start to the year.

There were moments of clarity, we had a few days at The Inn at Whitewell a beautiful old Inn in the Forest of Bowland and, a couple of weeks later an inpromtu weekend in Porto with old friends. There were celebrations too - my neighbour turned100, my husband turned 60 and my Little Free Library turned three!

Book news…

After transcribing three million words and writing 100 blog posts, I have found an editor who is making sense of it all! It’s revelatory, someone by my side, who understands what I’m trying to do and knows how to bring out the best in me! I’m almost redundant. I’m so used to having an enormous task infront of me that I feel slighlty adrift.

My plan is to have the book in print by September and hopefully in your hands soon after. I’ve been writing some “menologues” too, extracts from my interviews performed by actors. I hope to show them on my next blog. That’s all for now, I hope to be back in September with my book in hand.