My hot topics: Menopause, Book launches and whole heap of loveliness

What a week. I’ll start with a plethora of photos. Two book launches: The first at the wonderful Clapham Books and the second at Waterstones Clapham Junction. Perfect timing as it was World Menopause Day on Friday, even London Underground showed their support. To finish off a busy week I went to Riverside Radio to chat with Chloe Desave about the Menopause. The menopause really is my hot topic!

Two extra amazing things happened this week, the first happened at my launch at Clapham Books. The shop is officially closed and I have covered both windows with my books (cheeky). The front door of the shop is open letting in some well needed cool air (all those menopausal women in one place) people are walking by. A man in his early 30s stopped and said - Can I come in? to my astonishment he then said, ‘It’s International Menopause Day on Friday isn't it?’. I looked at him and thought, WOW. He then said ‘There is an event at my work and I wasn't going to go because I didn't know anything about the subject but now I'd like to educate myself, so if you don't mind, please can I buy a copy?’. I asked him what his job was. ‘A fireman!’. I know the world is changing and genuinely that made my night.

The second was this message I received. ‘Hi Sam, hope you don't mind me contacting you. I have just read your book (Collecting Conversations) and it has delighted, absorbed and moved me deeply. I came across it in a bookshop in Hebden Bridge, and unusually for me, instead of reading quite a lot before buying, I barely read the premise and knew I wanted it. I always have a queue of books waiting to be read but yours went to the front. Now, at the end I know I didn't just want it, I needed it. This has spoken to me deeply. Thank you’.

I know I moan about all the things that push me out of my comfort zone and all the hard work it takes getting books into the world but this is why I do it. It’s all about those little connections.

I’ve also been learning lots of technology. Sounds boring? It really wasn’t. I found Katy who’s taught me how to use this site more effectively. Up until this point I’ve been winging it. Surprisingly I understood what she was talking about and even enjoyed it. I am liberated from my fear of technology!

Now we enter half term - ‘til soon x