Summer is upon us and I need a rest

Since I last wrote I have got a house full - my two eldest are back from uni along with varying guests and the inevitable mess. The builders have been in and I know it's terribly British to moan about the weather but this heat wave is zapping the life blood out of me. I need a holiday - and thankfully one is around the corner. 

I have been writing more articles, stocking more shops and starting to reap the rewards from my Good Housekeeping article which came out this week AND delighted that Julie Walters is on the front cover - love her.

My stock of books is depleting fast. I am over the moon only 270 copies left - I may even need to do a reprint! 

So I'm taking a break for the summer and will be back in September with news of many men but in the meantime - THANK YOU for listening to me drivel on. Oh and I will post the Ted talk when it's released - still cringing! 

Have a lovely summer lots of love 

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Along side the lovely Julie Walters

Along side the lovely Julie Walters

3 pages in Good Housekeeping