I am constantly seeking to improve

Charles 59. Married, second time around. On the cusp of a monumental career change.

How are you? 

Excessively happily married to my second wife. Having spent 35 years in the world of finance, I’m now becoming a farmer. I’m on a massive high. A piece of paper landed on my desk with Growing Underground as a title. It’s given me a new lease of life. I have always been motivated but I'm now doing something that really excites me beyond words.

How do you see yourself?

I see myself as a quintessential enthusiast, who is really interested in people, who gets things done, and who is woefully unfit.

What do you like you about yourself?

I'm very comfortable in my own skin There's certainly elements to my character that I’m constantly seeking to improve. I'm pretty self-conscious and aware of where my faults lie. Whether I do enough to improve them is another matter! I would like to think the good parts outweigh the bad.

I am happy to describe myself as a people person. Both my parents remarried. They each had another two children and I would spend half the holidays with each set of parents, never feeling fully part of the nucleus. However, on the plus side I met twice the average number of people as a youngster. I think this is why I am so fascinated by what makes people tick, and why I’m looking forward to reading this book. I was also sent away to private school from the age of eight to eighteen, where I had a fantastic time. What this all meant however was that I never felt particularly rooted in any one place and I was largely left to prove things to myself and to set my own targets. I think that’s the key to why I embrace change, and also to my energy and drive.

More to come - ‘Men Talk’ out soon!