Spring back to life

Better late than never - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!

Flip! I cant actually believe it’s February and I haven’t written anything on my blog for almost 4 months! But in fairness, I did say in my last post - I wasn’t going to drivel on about the ins and outs of my daily life. Although, I’ve recenlty found if out you dont keep drivelling on about your daily life the algorithms leave you behind - you loose traffic, momentum stops and according to Google - you’re a loser! Who knew? Not me! It’s soooooo hard, this world in which we find oursleves. Apparently the way forward is to Optimise my Search Engine! No idea what that means - but I will find out!

Speaking of Google - I’ve let it go. I’ve gone to Ecosia, a BCorp search engine - you bored yet? Anyway - have a look - they plant trees and do good stuff.

Back to me…

Like most people my life is full of the daily monotony. The good, the bad and the mostly indifferent. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy my life, I do, I just don’t want to bore you off the pages with the minutae of ME! Although I did fall down the stairs which wasn’t good. I was in pain for about 7 weeks so my enthusiasm for anything other than getting a good nights sleep was zilch!

So here we are mid February and Spring thankfully is in the air. Snowdrops are out - heads bowed, a sure sign that spring in all its fabulousness is coming and I’m delighted to tell you I’ve sold 3,100 books so far. It’s hard, hard work and revelatory in that I had no idea I would be so sick of my own voice!

This book business is harder than you think. You have an idea, naively think- ‘ah ha, there’s a book in this’. Write it - a feat in itself, then because I don’t have a publisher or publicist, I find myself with thousands of books to sell. Freak out, bury my head in the sand, gather myself, resurface and strike whilst I have some renewed oomph! Then the cycle repeats. It works for me - maybe not the most efficient way to market books!

So, I’m thinking of new ways to tell folk about my book. After the huge sucess of my book launch a lot of people came up to me afterwards to tell me how wonderful they thought it was to hear men talk out loud, about their inner feelings and thoughts. It hatched an idea, to get performers to help share some of the content from my interviews through spoken word and contemporary dance! Sounds odd? Maybe?

Here’s Dan and Elliot at our first try, I’m just going with an idea, who knows if it will work - I’ll let you know.

I’m not sure where it’s going yet but it was very moving sitting there watching these two lads do their thing. It’s a work in progress but I think I’m on to something. I could do with some funding, these lads need paying. If you know anyone that can help - please let me know.

I wont leave it 4 months til I write again. I’m on Instagram, FB & Twitter if you want to see what I’m up to - not that much really! Links are at the top of the page. Must now get on with my SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION! Oh and what would be really fantastic, if you wouldn't mind, and I know it’s a bore, but would you please post a comment in the box below - I want to see if ‘traffic’ does actually help get my blog and book out there and I’ve not been told a big, fat, juicy, load of you know what! THANK YOU

Til soon ish - Love Sam xxx